- 你不害臊吗?妈妈朝她大声训斥道。你在大夫面前这样不觉得害臊吗? Aren't you ashamed, the mother yelled at her. Aren't you ashamed to act like that in front of the doctor?
- “嘿,你不害臊吗? 汤姆! "Now ain't you ashamed, Tom.
- 嘿,你不害臊吗?汤姆!你可千万别这么没治了。水不会伤着你的。 Now ain't you ashamed, Tom. You mustn't be so bad. Water won't hurt you.
- 有人出言不逊,调笑奚落,而你不能袒护她时,你不觉得害臊吗? Some one passes a slighting remark or uses improper language, won't you be ashamed if you can't take her part?
- 太不象话了,你居然要与他同居!你不学得害臊吗? The idea of your going to sleep with him! Aren't you feel ashamed of yourself?
- 你不感到害臊吗? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
- 你真不害臊,在前辈面前还自称雅人。 How can you have had the effrontery to call yourself a scholar in front of the masters ?
- 你不觉得害臊吗? Are you ashamed of yourself?
- 你撒了谎感到害臊吗? Are you ashamed for having lied?
- 你不可以增加些例子,把发言拉长一些吗? Could you lengthen your speech out by adding some examples?
- 你不认为报纸对这些灾难的报导有反复赘述其细节的倾向吗? Don't you fed that newspaper accounts of these disasters tend to linger nastily over the detail?
- 难道你不能不让你的狗进入我的花园吗? Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
- 你不能在演讲中插入几个有趣的故事吗? Can't you work some funny stories into your lecture?
- 哎呀,我的天啊!难道你不准备出去了吗? For crying out loud! Aren't you ever going to be ready to go out?
- 有人出言不逊,调笑奚落,而你不能袒护她时,你不觉得害臊吗? Some one passes a slighting remark or uses improper language, won't you be ashamed if you can't take her part?
- 你不后悔这样糊里糊涂地浪费时间吗? Don't you repent of having wasted your time so foolishly?
- 你不觉得填写这么多表格够讨厌的吗? Don't you think filling out so many forms is a bit of a bind?
- 我想我们可以游到对岸-你不想试试吗? I think we can swim to the other bank--do you want to make a go of it?
- 你不要挂断电话好吗?我去看一看经理在不在。 Could you hold on? I'll just see if the manager's in.
- 如果你不能来吃饭,告诉我一声好吗? Will you let me know if you can't come to dinner?