- 你上雅虎网吗?如果没有,雅虎正在努力使你检查邮件更方便。尤其是当你忙个不停的时候。 Yahoo By Phone Do you Yahoo? If you don't, Yahoo is making it easier to check your email. Especially when you're on the go.
- 你上过网吗?你是否经常感觉网速太慢? Do you often feel extremely slow speed of accessing the internet provoking?
- 你上过网吗? Have you ever surfed the net?
- 从创立至今,这个门户网站经历了巨大变迁。当初,斯坦福大学的两名学生大卫·菲罗和杨致远在校园的一辆拖车里创建了雅虎网的前身。 The web portal has undergone remarkable change since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer.
- 他还上雅茅司去过,回来觉得自己至少年轻了十年。 He had been at Yarmouth, too, and had come back feeling that he had added at least ten years to his own life.
- 你看到过蜘蛛织网吗? Have you ever seen a spider spin its web?
- 你上一次在工作中进行的一个权衡利弊后冒的风险是什么? What was the last calculated risk you took at work?
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 你见过蜘蛛结网吗? Have you ever seen a spider spin its web?
- 你上了岁数以后,就会为虚度了青春、没有学会一门职业而懊悔。 When you are older you'll be sorry that you idled away your youth instead of preparing for a profession.
- 你听说过雅虎信使吗。 One A: Haveyou heard of Yahoo Messenger, auseful software for chat online?
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 下午你上公园去了吗? Do you go to the park in the afternoon?
- 你上学期的生活费用平均是多少? How do your living expenses for the last term average out?
- 今年你上地理课吗? Are you going to have geography this year?
- 那么我和你母亲省吃俭用,自己刻苦,供你上大学,有什么用处呢? What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a university education?
- 朋友, 恐怕你上当了。 I'm afraid you got screwed, friend.
- 你上大学时可以借住在你的叔叔家。 You can lodge with your uncle when you go to university.
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗? Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 你上次见到我以后,我的血压降低了。 My blood presssure has come down since you last saw me.