- 你上星期二忙吗? Were you busy last Tuesday?
- 这信是我上星期二发的,难道你还没收到? I mailed the letter last Tuesday.Haven't you got it?
- 你上雅虎网吗?如果没有,雅虎正在努力使你检查邮件更方便。尤其是当你忙个不停的时候。 Yahoo By Phone Do you Yahoo? If you don't, Yahoo is making it easier to check your email. Especially when you're on the go.
- 上星期二他接到当地警察局的来信。 Last Tuesday he riceived a letter from the local police.
- 下周一你忙吗? Are you busy next Monday?
- 过去最近一个星期二(本星期二或上星期二) last Tuesday
- 下午你上公园去了吗? Do you go to the park in the afternoon?
- 我在上星期二遇见他。 I met him on last Tuesday.
- 你在忙什么呢? What are you up to?
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 他可能上星期二已经离开了。 He may have left last Tuesday.
- 你上过网吗? Have you ever surfed the net?
- 我可以请您帮个忙吗? May I ask you a favor?
- 我刚才正琢磨你上哪儿了呢。 I was just beginning to wonder where you were.
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 你上个月去旅行了吗? Did you go on a trip last month?
- 上星期二下午,朱镕基总理在东南亚研究所举办的演讲会上说,新加坡是联结东西方的桥梁,新加坡人民有很强的创造力。 Speaking at a lecture organized by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies last Tuesday afternoon,Mr Zhu praised Singapore for its role as a bridge linking East and West and the creativity of its people.
- 你今晚忙吗? Are you busy tonight?
- 你上哪儿去了?我们一直在找你。 Where have you been? We've been looking for you.
- 你还记得我吗? Do you remember me?