- 你上大学主修什么专业? What was your major at college?
- 你上大学时主修什么专业? What was your major at college?
- 上大学时我主修自然科学, 你当时学什么专业? In college I majored in Natural Science. What was your major?
- 那么我和你母亲省吃俭用,自己刻苦,供你上大学,有什么用处呢? What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a university education?
- 你主修什么专业? What do you major in?
- 大学主修课 college major
- 你上大学几年级? What kind of grades did you make in college?
- 你主修什么? What did you specialize in?
- 你上大学时有没有做过暑期工? Did you do any summer jobs while you were a college student?
- 她在大学主修风景绘画。 He majored in landscape painting at university.
- 你上了岁数以后,就会为虚度了青春、没有学会一门职业而懊悔。 When you are older you'll be sorry that you idled away your youth instead of preparing for a profession.
- 你准备主修什么科? What do you plan to major in?
- 她上大学的暑期班。 She attended the summer session of college.
- 你是否还记得去超市不过是一件不需要什么专业知识的乏味的事情? Remember when a trip to the supermarket was nothing more than a tedious chore requiring little or no specialized knowledge?
- 本人在大学主修的是美术设计。 My major in college was Art and Design.
- 你上学期的生活费用平均是多少? How do your living expenses for the last term average out?
- 你上大学是有没有从事过业余工作? Did you do any part-time jobs when you studied at your university?
- 大学主修:法律(国际经济法) What I studied at university: one bachelor degrees, i. E. Law (International Economic Law)
- 朋友, 恐怕你上当了。 I'm afraid you got screwed, friend.
- 你主修什么学科? What subject did you specialize in?