- 你一直在做什麽? What have you been doing all this time?
- 不要客气。嘿,我们到了,这就是学生活动中心,你要在这里做什麽? Don't mention it. Say, here we are. This is the student center. What are you going to do here?
- 如果你总是做你一直在做的事情,你就只能得到你曾经得到的东西! Information for this box came from C. ?Kanchier, Dare to Change Your Job and Your Life, 2nd ed. (Indianapolis, IN: Jist Publishing, 2000); and S.
- 这一阵子你一直在做什么? What have you been doing all this while?
- 爱薇拉:你在做什麽啊,山姆? Elvira: So what are you doing Sam?
- 画像:你要晕倒了,你一直在叹息,为何一定要否认呢,啊哦! Portraits: You swoon, you sigh, why deny it uh-oh!
- 弄清楚自己在做什麽! Do look what you are doing!
- 你一直在和你父母通信吗? Are you still corresponding with your parents?
- 你一直在做什么? What have you been doing all this time?
- 首先,系统必须能够感测或推论出主人目前正在哪里,以及正在做什麽。 First a system must sense or infer where its owner is and what he or she is doing.
- 你一直在暗中监视我吗? Have you been spying on me?
- 他做什麽都不行。 He is totally inept.
- 你一直在进步。 Re getting better at it all the time.
- 你一直在腹泻吗? Have you been having any diarrhea?
- 不论做什麽事要尽力去搞;事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。 Whatever you do, do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right.
- 你一直在搞什么名堂? What've you been up to?
- 中国的老百姓,不论是做什麽工作的,都很关心国家大事。 Chinese people, no matter what job they have, are all concerned about important government affairs.
- 我听说你一直在到处讲我的闲话。 It has come to my knowledge that you have been spreading gossip about me.
- 她究竟在做什麽? What ever is she doing?
- 你一直在忙些什么? What have you been busy about?