- 汉斯,你一年挣多少钱? Hans, how much do you earn one year?
- 你一年挣多少钱?大约十万美元。 A: How much is your annual income? B: About a hundred thousand dollars.
- 这个信息可以让你对他们一年挣多少有所了解。 This information should give you some idea how much they make a year.
- 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?” Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "how much a year do you earn, master gregory?"
- 你一周挣多少钱? How much do you earn a week?
- 一些节目主持人一年挣好几百万呢。 Some of those talking heads make millions a year.
- 你一年必须付十英镑的俱乐部会费。 You must pay &10 a year for membership of the club.
- 你一周赚多少钱? How much do you earn a week?
- 他一年挣4万元左右。 He gets(= earns)about %2440000 a year.
- 他一年挣 50000 英镑。 He's pulling in 50000 a year.
- 当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我瞧见他吃了一惊的样子。 I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
- 你一年去看两次牙医吗? Do you go to the dentist's twice a year?
- 我挣多少钱倒不重要。真正重要的是我不喜欢这个工作。 What I earn is a side-issue. What really matters is that I don't like my work.
- 据传她一年挣 1000 多万元。 She is reported to earn over %2410 million a year.
- 你一星期赚多少钱? How much do your earn a week?
- "做这顶工作,你一年有四个星期的假期。" In this job you get four weeks holiday / vacation a year.
- 他干那项工作,一年挣3万美元。 He's been pulling down %24 30,000 a year in that job.
- 你目前挣多少钱? How much money are you presently earning?
- 无论你的遭遇怎样,让我一年见你一次。 Whatever be your fortune, let me see you once a year.
- 他一年挣50000英镑或一个小时挣25英镑。 He make 50000 a year or 25 an hour.