- 何不顺路到我家坐坐?我请你喝啤酒。再次谢谢你为我们所做的一切。 Why don't you come by the house? The beer is on me. Thank you again for all that you have done.
- 有空到我家坐坐。 Stop by my house sometime.
- 如果方便请到我家坐坐。 Please come round to my apartment if it is convenient for you.
- 我要顺路到邮局一下。 I am just going to drop by the post office.
- 有空来我家坐坐。 Drop in on me if you are free sometime.
- 今天下午我会顺路到你家去。 I'll swing by your house this afternoon.
- 你如果明天有空,请来我家坐坐。 If you are free tomorrow,please come to see me.
- 下班后你能顺路到医院去看他吗? On your way home after work, would you mind going to see him in the hospital?
- 我起身告别时,不由自主地脱口而出:“改天来我家坐坐,好吗?” When I got up to leave,I blurted out impulsively "Why don't you visit us some day?"
- 妇女们从工厂回家,顺路到托儿所把婴孩带回。 The women picked up their babies in the nursery on their any home from the factory.
- 这电影逐渐发展到令人惊悚的高潮 The film works up to a thrilling climax.
- 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的男孩。 So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless.
- 6点钟到这儿报到上班。 Report for duty here at six o'clock.
- 我们到你母亲家去,不妨顺路到帕特里克家串个门儿。 We could call inon Patrick on the way to your mother's.
- 抓到 catch
- 到站 arrive at a station
- 别忘了把这笔货款记到账上。 Don't forget to charge the amount to my account.
- 到这里 out here
- 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。 The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.
- 被吸引到 be attracted to