- (=tomogram) X线体层照片,X线断层照片 tomo.
- 我们大约每两个月拍一次X线照片。 We have taken films about every two months.
- X线体层照片 planigram; planogram; tomo.; tomogram
- X线曲面体层摄影 Orthopantomography
- 本研究结果并结合有关文献表明:控制X线照片斑点的主要措施是管电压不要过高,所用稀土增感因数不宜过大,即所用mAs值不宜过小。 This study together with related reports indicated that an effective way of controlling film mottle was to refrain from usmg too high tube voItage and too big intensifying screen factor which translated into too small mAs value.
- X线体层片 planigram; planogram; tomogram
- 体层X线照片 tomogram
- 体层X线摄影 analytical roentgenography
- X线体层摄影 planigraphy; planography; radiotomy; roentgen tomography
- X线体层照相 planigraph
- 体层X线摄片术 body section radiography
- 体层X线摄影术 analytical roentgenography; body section radiography; body section roentgenography; sectional radiography; vertigraphy
- 体层X线照像术 analytical roentgenography
- 膀胱充气X线体层照相术 pneumocystotomography
- X线体层(照)片 planigram; planogram; tomogram
- X线体层摄影术 planigraphy; planography; radiotomy; roentgen tomography
- X线体层照相机 tomograph
- X线体层照相术 laminar tomography; LT; planigraphy; planography; tomography
- 体层X线照相术 laminography; body section radiography; tomography
- 曲面体层X线机 Panorex