- 住一个晚上得多少钱? How much does it cost for one night?
- 顺便问一下,住一个晚上需要多少钱? By the way, how much is it for a night?
- 这间房间住今天一个晚上要多少钱? How much is the room for the night?
- 变得 became
- 这间房间住今天一个晚上要多少钱? How much is the room for the night?
- 告诉我你认为你应该得多少? Tell me how much do you think you are worth?
- 我们暂时合住一个房间吧! Let's share the room for the time being.
- 每个课程我能得多少学分? How many credits can I get for each course?
- 我用一个晚上的时间匆匆缝好这件衣服。 I ran this dress up in one evening.
- 要多少钱 how much
- 这三位红军战士住一个没有危险的小村子里。 The three Red Army men lived in a small village save from danger.
- 把它演算出来,看结果得多少。 Figure it out and see what it comes .
- 他们在茶馆消磨掉整整一个晚上。 They lingered away the whole evening at the tea-house.
- 一桶石油要多少钱? How much does a barrel of oil cost?
- 在城市的街道上平常的一天里,所有的人都擦肩而过,但记不住一个人的脸。 Of all the people brushed against in a normal day on a city street,I remember not a one.
- 你能用一个晚上为我把这件衣服赶制好吗? Can you run the dress up for me in one evening?
- 你向他借了多少钱? How much have you borrowed from him?
- 合住一个房间的想法使她惊骇。 The idea of sharing a room appalled her.
- 修鞋要多少钱? How much do you charge for mending shoes?
- 这本书他一个晚上就看完了。 He got through the book in one evening.