- 卑躬折节的 groveling
- 折节待士 condescend to treat those inferior in position
- 折节下交 humble oneself in making acquaintiances
- 折 broken (as of rope stick)
- 低头 crouch
- 节的 nodulated
- 折起 turn up
- 父亲节 father's day
- 折纸 paper folding
- 七夕节 Chinese Valentine's Day
- 植树节 Tree Planting Day
- 折弯 bend
- 第一节 first segment
- 折边 hem
- 一节 Length
- 折痕 fold
- 节流 throttle (down)
- 分节符 section break
- 弯折 kink
- 折弯机 bending machine