- 低亲和力IgG类抗体 low affinity IgG antibody
- IgG类抗体则分别为敏感度91.1%,特异度97.0%,PPV 97.3%,NPV 90.1%,准确度93.8%。 The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of IgM in diagnosis of SARS on eleventh day or later were 65. 6%25 , 100. 0%25 , 100.0%25 , 71.0%25 , and 81. 3%25 , respectively, and IgG were 91. 1%25 , 97.0%25 97.3%25 , 90. 1%25 , and 93. 8%25 , respectively.
- 单克隆igg类抗体定量分析方法 methods for quantitative analysis of monoclonal igg
- 低亲和力神经生长因子受体 low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor; LNGFR
- 亲和力 appetency
- 低的 low-lying
- 小鼠腹水IgG类单克隆抗体纯化方法的研究 The study of purified methods of mice ascites IgG McAb
- 低成本 low cost
- 第二类抗体 second order antibody
- 偏低 on the low side
- 低端 low end
- 以胶体金标记羊抗人IgM,对系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)、类风湿关节炎(RA)等病患者160份血清和40份正常人血清作免疫金银染色,以检测IgM类抗核抗体(ANA-IgM),并与IgG类ANA作对照比较。 Gold-conjugated sheep anti-human IgM was -prepared and used to deted the ANA of IgM class ( ANA-IgM ) the by immunogold- silver staining ( IGSS ) in the sera from 160 patients with donnective tissue diseases ( SLE, rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) and so on ) and otherdiseases, and in that from 40 normal persons. The results of ANA IgM were compared with that of ANA of IgG class (ANA-IgG).
- 较低 lower
- 第三类抗体 third order antibody
- 低点 low
- 胺类 amine
- 低效率 ineffectiveness
- 第一类抗体 first order antibody
- 抗EB病毒壳抗原抗体(VCA-IgM、IgG)测定对传染性单核细胞增多症诊断意义的探讨 Significance of anti EB viral capsid antigen antibodies (VCA-IgM/IgG) for serodiagnosis of infectious mononucleosis
- 低值易耗品 low priced and easily worn articles