- 但是什么叫统一呢? But what does unification mean?
- 但是什么会刺破那个自满呢? But what will puncture that complacency?
- 如果是这样,那还有什么统一呢? If this were to occur,what unification could there be?
- 呢 (question particle)
- 警察搜了那个贼的身,但是什么都没有发现。 The policeman searched the thief but found nothing.
- [谚]没有孩子的人不知道什么叫爱。 He knows not what love is that has no children.
- 但是什么能指导您应付那些预料之外的,特别是对项目构成风险的事件呢? But what will guide you through the unexpected events, especially those events that pose a risk to your project?
- 没有什么 there's nothing ( ... about it)
- 不叫 no bid
- 鸟叫 chirp
- 叫停 halt
- 凭什么 whereby
- 你呢? What about you?
- 猫叫 miaow
- 这是什么意思? What's the meaning of this?
- 你做什么工作? What's your job?
- 报上没有什么叫人高兴的消息。 There is hardly any cheerful news in the papers.
- 但是这些家务活谁来做呢? But who will do all the house work?
- 你什么时候最方便? When is the most convenient time for you?
- 这儿根本没有什么叫基蒂的小女孩。那是他编造出来的。 There isn't any little girl called Kitty here. He's just made her up.