- 但我不知道买什么好?因为种类太多了,我都挑花了眼。 But I have the faintest idea of what to buy since there are so many sorts to choose from.
- 我不知道买什么。您陪我去,给我点建议好吗? I have no idea what to buy. Could you please go shopping with me and give me some advice?
- 这个我知道。但我不知道能否在数佰人面前跳好舞! I do. But I don't know if I can dance in front of hundreds of people!
- 我不知道什么心理学,但我知道你!你是我的娃儿!你接受的是西班牙的文化和习惯! I don't know about psychology, but I know about you. You're my child. You've got Spanish culture and habits.
- 我不知道在会上说什么好。 I do not know what to say at the meeting.
- 哎,谈不上什么好消息,但我还是抱有希望的。 Well,I can hardly say that. However,I'm still hopeful.
- 它们看上去这么可爱,我真不知道买哪一个了。 They look so lovely that I can not decide which to buy.
- 顾客1:我不知道今天要买什么。 Shopper 1: I'm not sure what I'll buy today.
- 我不想做这件事,但我认为还是装出做的样子较好。 I don't want to do this, but I think I'd better go through the motions.
- 我不知道究竟说什么好。 I don't know quite what to say.
- 他们试图说我没有较好地完成自己的工作,但我不承认。 They're trying to say I didn't do my job properly,but I'm not going to take it lying down.
- 他们看上去都这么可爱,我都不知道买哪个好了。 They do look so lovely that I can't decide which to buy.
- "我不想做这件事,但我认为还是装出做的样子较好。" "I don't want to do this, but I think I'd better go through the motions."
- 我不知道英足总的Burton计划发生了什么,但我希望看见那计划落成,并且看到一个优秀的学校发展起来。 I don't know what is happening with the FA's Burton project but I'd like to see that get off the ground and a new school of excellence developed.
- 我打算买辆汽车,可心里一直犹豫不定,不知道买哪个牌子的好 "I'm thinking of Buying a car, But I'm still of two minds. I can hardly decide as to which Brand I should take"
- 我们当尽力而为,但我不能保证什么。 We'll try our best, but I can't guarantee anything.
- 我不知道第三次世界大战的武器会是什么样子。但我知道第四次世界大战战场上用的肯定是棍棒与石头。 I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
- 我不打算买什么东西,但带着支票簿以防万一。 I wasn't intending to buy anything but I took my cheque book just in case.
- 今天我不开心,但我一定要收拾好心情迎接明天的太阳! I wasn't happy today, but I must put away mood accolade for tomorrow of the sun!
- 嗯,技术我不是很在行,但我想我准备好了。我该如何开始? Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?