- 伯克,马莎·简1852?-1903美国女拓荒者和西部的传奇人物。她经常身着男装,被认为是一位神枪手和技艺高超的骑手。 American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing,she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider.
- 伯克,马莎·简1852?-1903美国女拓荒者和西部的传奇人物。她经常身着男装,被认为是一位神枪手和技艺高超的骑手 American frontierswoman and legendary figure of the Wild West. Often dressed in men's clothing, she was reputed to be a crack shot and an expert rider.
- 简 simple
- 国际海里(=1852米) The international nautical [air] mile
- 简爱 Jane Eyre
- 马莎台风 Typhoon Matsa
- 马莎百货 Marks&Spencer
- 简装 convenience package
- 马莎:大女儿,10岁 Martha, the elder daughter, is 10 years old.
- 伯克还说这一研究结果证实了生活积极的人寿命更长这一说法。 Berk said the finding strengthens the advice that everyone lighten up a little to live longer.
- 化简 abbreviation
- 马莎两年前高中毕业。 Martha graduated from high school two years ago.
- 简并 degenerate
- 柯雷:我敢说,你可能是1968年那些伯克来遗留份子之一。 Clay: I'll bet. You're probably one of those Berkeley leftovers from 1968.
- 马莎好一阵手忙脚乱。 Martha's pretty manic.
- 马莎做的与她说的不一致。 What Martha does not accord with what she has said.
- 受人尊敬的简·史密斯 The Very Reverend Jane Smith.
- 你会来参加马莎的聚会,对吗? You will be coming to Marsha's party, won't you? B: Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
- 简析 brief analysis
- 马莎百货赢得一场可成为判例的官司 Marks and Spencer Won A Landmark Case