- 会话类E-Service session-oriented E-Service
- 会话类服务 session-oriented service
- 维生素E vitamin(e) E
- 胺类 amine
- 聚类分析 cluster analysis
- E-service E-service
- 会话层 session layer
- 灵长类 Primates
- 果类 fruit
- e-service元数据 e-service metadata
- 类项 category
- 布类 mercery
- 会话端点代表Service Broker会话的每一端。 Each side of a Service Broker conversation is represented by a conversation endpoint.
- 第一类 first kind
- 蔬菜类 greengrocery
- 会话结束时,Service Broker将放弃该会话的所有消息。 GO When a conversation ends, Service Broker discards the messages for that conversation.
- 脂类 FAT
- 小类 subclass
- 抽象类 abstract class
- 该会话路由到具有该Service Broker标识符的路由中的地址。 The conversation routes to the address in the route with that Service Broker identifier.