- 会有流行音乐会吗? Will there be any popular music concerts?
- 不会 unlikely
- 对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗? Do you foresee any problems with the new system?
- 由于主要演员没出场,那流行音乐会结果失败了。 The pop concert went off like a damp squib when the main act failed to appear.
- 流行音乐会 pop concert
- 约翰从小就爱骗人,我早就知道他不会有什么好结果的。 John was deceitful even as a child. I knew he would come to no good.
- 你经常去参加音乐会吗? Do you often go to concerts?
- 这个傻孩子的母亲自我安慰地幻想着,将来这个孩子会有出息的。 That dull child's mother is deluding herself with dreams of his future success.
- 他过去常去音乐会吗? Did he use to go to the concert?
- 洛杉矶很快会有大地震是很合情理的。 It stands to reason that L.A. will soon have a major earthquake.
- 你喜欢这场音乐会吗? Was/Wasn't the concert to your liking?
- 这不是公众假期,不会有浓厚的节日气氛。 It is not a public holiday, and you will not see much festival spirit.
- 你喜欢那场音乐会吗? How did you enjoy the concert?
- 你应该先把电池连接起来,才会有电流。 You must connect up the cells before you can get any current.
- 你喜欢这场音乐会吗? Was/Wasn't the concert to your liking?
- 任何倒行逆施的企图都不会有好下场。 Any efforts to try to put the clock back will come to no good end.
- 你经常去参加音乐会吗? Do you often go to concerts?
- 在那里驻扎大量军队会有一定的危险性。 Stationing large forces there would involve a considerable risk.
- 会有这种事吗? Can such things be?
- 一个原子中旋转的电子会有磁偶极距。 An orbiting electron in an atom will have a magnetic dipole moment.