- 优势从何而得? How are we to attain this role?
- 从何而来? Where from?
- 人的念头思想从何而来呢? From what base arise thoughts and reflections in men?
- 变得 became
- 无籽水果究竟从何而来商业锦囊 Ever Wonder Where Seedless Fruits Come From
- 只得 have no alternative but to
- 洛加尼斯必须完成一个近乎满分的动作才能获得金牌,而他真的做到了这一点。他最后做出了其拿手好戏中最难的动作:一个抱膝1周半空翻,就这样仅以0.1分的优势从熊倪那儿夺走金牌。 Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.
- 这个行业靠政府津贴而得以维持。 This industry depends for its survival on government subsidies.
- 必得 must
- 巴不得 anxious
- 你的艺术形式的确很独特这是从何而来的? You actually have a very unique artistic style. How did that come from?
- 买得起 can afford
- 见得 seem
- 洛加尼斯必须完成一个近乎满分的动作才能获得金牌,而他真的做到了这一点。他最后做出了其拿手好戏中最难的动作: 一个抱膝1周半空翻,就这样仅以0.1分的优势从熊倪那儿夺走金牌。 Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire,a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position,allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.
- "一切进行得如何?" "情况很顺利。" "How is everything going?" "Things are going very well."
- 她希望找到生父,但不知道从何找起。 She wants to find her donor father but does not know how.
- 汽油是由原油蒸馏而得的。 Gasoline is distilled from crude oil.
- 一部二十四史,不知从何说起。 It's such a long and complicated story, I hardly know where to start.
- 潜力缘何而来--关于山东晨鸣纸业集团齐河板纸厂的调查 On the Source of Development Potentialities--An investigation on Qihe Board Mill of Chenming Paper Group
- 奶油是从乳脂中提取而成的。 Butter is made from cream.