- 以什麽条件? On what tenure?
- 以什麽条件? On what tenure?
- 在什麽条件下你才会接受这个提议。 What are your conditions for accepting the offer?
- 评定获奖者以什麽作标准? What are the criteria for deciding (ie How do we decide) who gets the prize?
- 问:你觉得身为广播人该具备什麽条件? Q3: What needful conditions do you think a DJ shoule have?
- 评定获奖者以什麽作标准? What are the criteria for deciding (ie How do we decide) who gets the prize?
- 谈判以什麽为中心议题尚未取得一致意见. No basis for negotiations has been agreed upon.
- 请问潮菜以什麼原料為主? What are the major ingredients of Chaozhou food?
- 在这样的时候,我什麽都舍得。 At a time like this, I do not grudge a thing.
- 无论他怎么努力说明,我还是想像不出他的设计到底是什麽样子。 No matter how hard he tried, I still have no visualization of his design.
- 不要客气。嘿,我们到了,这就是学生活动中心,你要在这里做什麽? Don't mention it. Say, here we are. This is the student center. What are you going to do here?
- 究竟怎样;到底以什麽方式 In what way; by what means
- 我脑海里整天回荡著这个曲调,但我想不起来叫什麽了。 I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called.
- 我不明白她为什麽要嫁给那个糟糕透顶的人,我连理都不愿意理他。 I don't know why she's marrying that appalling man; I wouldn't touch him with a barge-pole.
- 根据我们现在物理学的概念,没有什麽东西能超过光速。 According to our present idea of physics, nothing can travel faster than light.
- 街道停车管理员的职责是什麽? What are the duties of a traffic warden?
- 我今天上午要到商业区去--你想让我给你捎什麽东西来吗? I'm going into town this morning do you want me to get you anything?
- 这些符号表示什麽意思? What do these marks signify?
- 这剧本的主题是什麽? What is the essential theme of the play?
- 你什麽时候发现丢了钱包的? When did you first miss your purse?