- 付款已按要求记上了吗? Have the payments been properly entered up?
- 我已按要求将有关我们的新项目的所有必要的文件带来了,请核查。 I've brought all the necessary documents concerning our new project for your inspection as requested.
- 付款已延期到下星期。 Payment has been deferred until next week.
- 你在史密斯先生帐户的借方记上1000美元了吗? Did you debit Mr. Smith with %24 1000?
- 货物已按要求批发装好。 The goods are duly packed.
- 你知道我已把你的书放在书架上了吗? Do you know I have put your book on the shelf?
- 船上的培训已按要求进行? Is effective onboard training conducted?
- 你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗? Have you got your name on the electoral register?
- 我方信用证的装船期已按要求展延至...底。 The shipment date of our L/C has been extended to the end of... as requested.
- 你已把那些数据存储到磁盘上了吗? Have you recorded the data in disc?
- 如果用日本的段位制来衡量他的话,我相信他可以上7段或8段。 If the Japanese ranking system were applied to him,I believe he would rank among the seventh or the eighth dan.
- 鉴于我们已按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降低了。 In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further.
- 小组已按要求将样品化成了灰。 The team has ashed the samples as needed.
- 今天,星期五早上,我收到那些货物的发票,通知我贷款已于星期二记在我的信用卡上了。 This morning, Friday, I received an invoice for the goods, informing me that my credit card was charged on Tuesday.
- 由您署名的一篇关于唾液致病力强的微生体的文章,我不是已从报纸上拜读了吗? Did I not read in a newspaper, signed by you, a passage of the virulent little organism of saliva?
- 信用证已按要求修改,现在一切已就绪,望尽早将我方订货装船。 Since the LC has been amended as requested, and everything is now in order, we hope you can ship our order as soon as possible.
- 由您署名的一篇关于唾液致病力强的微生体的文章,我不是已从报纸上拜读了吗? Did I not read in a newspaper, signed by you, a passage of the virulent little organism of saliva?
- 加注“本证书仅代表该进口旧机电产品已按规定的程序和要求等实施了装运前预检验, Into which such indication as "this Certificate only certifies that the pre-inspection has been executed for the import of these used mechanical and electrical products before their shipment;
- “吉姆来了吗?”“来了,他已在楼下等候半个小时。”“那么你为何不将他带上楼来?” "Has Jim come here yet?" "Yes, he's been waiting downstairs for half an hour." "Then, why don't you bring him up?"
- 把那两匹马送回来了,原封动地套它们早晨时的鞍具,但在马头上所戴的每一朵玫瑰花结的中央,都已按伯爵吩咐镶上了一颗颗钻石。 The horses were sent back wearing the same harness she had seen on them in the morning; only, by the count's orders, in the centre of each rosette that adorned either side of their heads, had been fastened a large diamond.