- 他问到我了吗? Did he enquire about me?
- 你问到我了吗? Did he enquire about me?
- 他问了我一些有关这个题目的问题。 He asked me some questions relative to the subject.
- “你收到我写的条子了吗?”他问道,声音深沉沙哑。 "You had my note?" he asked with a deep harsh voice.
- 在路上,他问到:“你的电池可用多久。” On the way he asked, "How long is your battery good for?"
- 别再问我了。他们是我的朋友,我不愿背后讲人家的坏话。 Don't ask me any more. They are friends of mine and I am unwilling to tell tales out of school.
- 他说的事涉及到我了吗? Does what he has said refer to me?
- 他问到新机器的效率。 He asked about the efficiency of the new machine.
- 他问起目前情况,我把我所收集的一些材料尽量告诉了他。 He asked about the present condition and I tried to eke out the little knowledge I had collected.
- 现在轮到我了吗? Is it my turn now?
- 前些日子他问到过你。 He asked about you the other day.
- 莫妮卡,嗨,莫妮卡,你吓到我了。你慌慌张张。这样不好。 Monica- Hi! Um, Monica, you're scaring me. I mean, you're like, you're like all chaotic and twirly. And not-not in a good way.
- “你看到了吗?”他问得很温柔。 "Do you see? " he asked softly.
- 他问了问我的年龄、身高和体重,又打量了我一番。 He asked my age,height,and weight and looked me over.
- 她询问到我了吗? Did she enquire about me?
- 他问了我几个个人问题,我根本不愿回答。 He asked me some personal questions, but I would never answer them.
- 不,上次是你付的,这次轮到我了。 No. you picked it up last time. It's my turn today.
- 在路上,他问到:“你的电池可用多久。” On the way he asked,"How long is your battery good for?"
- 你下次不会那么容易就能抓到我了。 You shall not catch me so easily next time.
- 他问到他妻子和农庄的情形,还谈到那灌溉渠的修建工作。 He inquired after his wife and the ranch, commenting upon the work on the irrigating ditch.