- 他苏醒过来了吗? Did he come out of this episode of unconsciousness?
- 他第二次昏过去以后,别人化了很长时间才使他苏醒过来。 The second time he fainted it took a long time to bring him round.
- 我们都以为他淹死了,但经过一小时的人工呼吸,他苏醒过来了。 We all thought he was drowned,but after an hour's artificial respiration he came to life.
- 有人昏了过去,赶紧设法把他送进医院,使他苏醒过来。 Someone has fainted, try to send him to hospital at once and bring him round.
- 有三个女子中暑昏倒,全靠白兰地使她们很快苏醒过来了。 Three women fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with brandy.
- 你肯定把他已经争取过来了吗? Are you sure that you have won him over to our side?
- 他苏醒过来以后发现自己躺在一张病床上。 When he came to life,he found himself in a hospital bed.
- 您的时差调整过来了吗? Are you adjusted to the time difference?
- 彼得昏了过去,设法使他苏醒过来。 Peter has fainted, try to bring him round.
- 现在我们不是把林彪、“四人帮”横行时期的好多案都翻过来了吗? Haven't we reversed many wrong verdicts pronounced during the period when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were running rampant?
- 苏醒过来 come to one's senses
- 麻烦的是他已从阿根廷那边过来了。我难以推迟和他见面。希望你能理解。 And the trouble is, as he's over from Argentina, I can not very well put him off. Hope you understand.
- 在他苏醒过来以后 after he came to
- 好消息就是,医生说:你看到那边那个人了吗?他想买你的鞋子。 The good news is, said the doctor, see that man over there, he wants to buy your shoes.
- 输血后不久她就苏醒过来。 She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.
- 他们使他苏醒过来。 They brought him to.
- 难道仅仅因为如果修锁匠想闯入我们房间就能够闯入他就成为夜贼了吗? Do locksmiths become burglars just because they could break into our house if they wanted to do so?
- 新鲜空气很快使他苏醒过来。 The fresh air soon revived him.
- 有时,即使他醒过来了,也不会吵我们,似乎认为父母打坐是理所当然的事。 If he woke up occasionally, he would not disturb us; he seemed to acknowledge the right of his parents to meditate.
- 医生使他苏醒过来。 The doctor restored him to life.