- 他肯定要离开吗? Is it definite that he's leaving?
- 如果老板知道发生的事情,他肯定要发脾气。 The boss is bound to cut up rough when he hears what happened.
- 你现在要离开吗? You wanna go now?
- 他肯定要进监狱了,这回肯定进去了,因为警察在他试图把珠宝偷出去的时候当场将他擒获。 He'll definitely be going to jail. They caught him red-handed trying to take the jewelry out of the shop.
- 假如亨利被判为那个谋杀案的凶手,他肯定要被处以绞刑。 If convicted of that murder, Henry will certainly swing for it.
- 你能设想他甚至一句话不说就离开吗? Can you imagined that he left without even a word?
- 他肯定要来的。 It's definite that he'll come.
- 周末以前他肯定会回来吗? Will he definitely be back by the weekend?
- 他正要离开该国时,警方把他捉住了。 The police picked him up as he was trying to leave the country.
- 假如他被判为那起谋杀案的凶手,他肯定要被处以绞刑。 If convicted of that murder, he will certainly swing for it.
- 你要离开很久吗? Will you be away for long?
- 他们完全知道他肯定会违背诺言的。 They knew full well that he would certainly break his promise.
- 建立在金钱基础上的婚姻肯定要破裂的。 The marriage on the basis of money is bound to break up.
- 玛格利特先生,请问我有在四点钟离开吗?我要在四点半去看牙。 Mr.Margaret, can I please leave at4 o'clock? I've got to be at the dentist's at4: 30.
- 如果照样再给他治疗一次,他肯定会痊愈。 Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.
- 我一定要离开你吗? Do I have to run, or hide away from you?
- 我肯定要对他提出控告 I am damn well going to file charges against him.
- 他上学又迟到了,肯定要挨老师批评。 He'll get hell from his teacher for coming late to school again.
- 玛格利特先生,请问我有在四点钟离开吗?我要在四点半去看牙。 Mr.Margaret, can I please leave at4 o'clock? I've got to be at the dentist's at4: 30.
- 巴里试图修理这台机器吗?他肯定弄不好的! Barry tried to mend the machine? Trust him to get it wrong!