- 你究竟上哪儿去了? Where in blazes have you been?
- 他究竟上哪儿去了? Where the dickens did he go?
- 我给爱德华发了封电子邮件,但是他说他没收到,那封信上哪儿去了呢? I sent Ed an email, but he told me he didn't receive it. I wonder where it went.
- 他究竟会到哪儿去了呢? Wherever can he have gone to?
- 我怀疑他究竟能否痊愈,他看起来像是一只脚进了棺材的人了。 I doubt whether he will ever get well. He looks as though he had one foot in the grave.
- 你别跟我撒谎说你没赶上汽车,你这一整天都上哪儿去了? Don't give me that song and dance about having missed the bus-where have you been all day?
- 他这场电影看了好几遍了,我不知道他究竟喜欢这个电影的什么。 He saw the film several times; I wonder what on earth he saw in it.
- 他不能上哪儿去跟在他们后面收拾他们扔得哪儿都是的垃圾。 He could not undertake to go down and pick up the litter they strewed.
- 我很想去观察一位有经验的老师,看他究竟是怎样教书的。 I want to watch an experienced teacher and see his wheels go round.
- 如果把同志当作敌人来对待,就是使自己站在敌人的立场上去了。 To treat comrades like enemies is to go over to the stand of the enemy.
- 老兄,你要上哪儿去? Say, buster, where are you going?
- 她急急忙忙到哪儿去了? Where did she nip off to?
- 韦恩·布里奇一定想知道他究竟做错了什么,使得他不得不再次坐上切尔西的板凳席。 WAYNE BRIDGE must be wondering what he has done wrong to deserve the fate that awaits him at Chelsea.
- 你到底上哪儿去了? Where in the name of Heaven have you been?
- 上星期六下午你上哪儿去了? Where were you last Saturday afternoon?
- “把他带出去,随他上哪儿算了。”那个女招待和气地说。 "Take him out and lose him," said the barmaid kindly.
- 你上哪儿去了?蹭了一身泥。 Where have you been? Your clothes are all muddy.
- “乔治在哪儿?”“我想他是回家自我安慰去了。你对他太严厉了一点儿。” "Where is George? " "Gone off home to lick his wounds,I expect. You were pretty severe with him. "
- 我们讨论了我们该做什么以及该上哪儿去。 We discussed what to do and where we should go.
- 离开了他这些人就立刻暴露在党卫队和警犬的魔爪之下。他究竟到什么地方去了呢? Without him they would be naked in a world of dogs and SS men. Where was he?