- 他目前应该做什么呢? What is he supposed to be doing now?
- 录音前你应该做什么呢? What before the sound recording should you make?
- 目前 at the present time
- 那么这些数字意味着我们应该做什么呢? So what do these numbers mean?
- 那本书他目前只写了一个情节梗概。 He has written only a skeletal plot for the book so far.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 你知道要成为一名记者我们应该做什么? Did you know what we should do to become a reporter?
- 他目前担任团中央书记处第一书记。 He is acting as the General Secretary of the CYL Central Committee now.
- 他们在那个诡秘的社团里做什么呢? What do they do in that weird club ?
- 在他目前的这种心情下,不该让他独个儿留着。 In his present frame of mind he shouldn't be left alone.
- 讨论了那么长时间,最终结论是什么呢? What was the net conclusion after all that discussion?
- 他目前也是英国商业建筑工业学会的主席。 He is currently Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce Construction Industry Group.
- 此刻晚饭应该做好了。 Dinner should be ready by now.
- 抓举的两种技术是指什么呢? But what are the two techniques used in the snatch?
- 他考虑到这不是一个团员应该做的事。 He reflected that this was not the right thing for a League member to do.
- 你今天打算做什么? What do you intend to do today?
- 你最想要注视的东西是什么呢? What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon?
- 你十一点之前离开后做什么去了? You left before eleven. What did you do afterward?
- 他们想要安慰她,但能说什么呢? They tried to comfort her, but what could they say?
- 约翰觉得报告他救溺水小孩的事是他应该做的。 John felt duty bound to report that he saved the drowning baby.