- 他的话你是怎么理解的? How did you take his remark?
- 你最好去与格林先生当面谈一谈,想必你是误解他的话了。 You'd better go and have a face to face talk with Mr. Green,you must have misunderstood what he said.
- 当然不是!“她厉声说道,被他的话冒犯了。“我只是想知道他到底怎么了? Of course not!"she snaps, affronted at the very idea."I just want to know what's wrong with him.
- 别人这样说的话我们一定会嘲笑他的,可不知为什么,你的话总是很有说服力。 KOTORI'S FRIEND: We would have laughed if anybody else said that, but for some reason, you make it sound convincing.
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。" "Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 因为他自己也没有田庄,我的话引起他的非常孩子气的虚荣心。 As he had no estate of his own, my words nettled a very childish vanity he had.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 这个兵对他的朋友说:“你对我们军队调到加利福尼亚州去的消息是怎么想的。 It's not announced officially yet, but this morning I got it through the grapevine.
- 帕格用那几句简短而有把握的话不加思索地答复了对方单刀直入的追询。 Pug's short assured answers were instinctive returns of the hard straight quizzing.
- "你是不是等于通知我,你不久就要结婚了,先生?" "是的,那又怎样?" "You have as good as informed me, sir, that you are going shortly to be married?" "Yes, what then?"
- 安妮现在与罗杰形影不离,尽管他还没有同他的合法妻子离婚。 Anne now keeps company with Roger, although he is not yet divorced from his legal wife.
- 你的至交能够理解你头疼脑热或者需要工作,但是猜猜怎么着? Your best friends will understand y our headache or need to work,but guess what?
- 如果信用证有效期较长的话,我们就会有时间把事情彻底弄清楚。 If the letter of credit had been valid for a longer period,we should have had time to make the matter thoroughly clear.
- 希尔弗微微一笑说,但他的笑容很不自在。 他那张宽脸盘上的眼睛眯得只有针尖那么大,但像玻璃一般闪闪发亮,“你问那是怎么回事? returned Silver, smiling away, but warier than ever, his eye a mere pin-point in his big face, but gleaming like a crumb of glass. 'That?
- 如果俄国人向世界市场发行锡股票的话,那么金属的价格就会暴跌。 If the Russians release their stocks of tin onto the world market the price of the metal will sink through the floor.
- 那牧师对米歇尔讲的脏话置之不理,因为他知道这与他的身份不相符。 The vicar turned a deaf ear to Michelle's bad language because he knew it was out of character.
- 提价的话,你就会把我们逼破产了。 You'll drive us bankrupt if you raise the price any futher.
- “观众的先入之见对他的表演来说是残酷的”(今日心理学) "The mental set of an audience is crucial to his performance" (Psychology Today)