- 他的病好了吗? Has he recovered from his illness?
- 这位医生虽然治好了许多人的病,但他对他的工作仍很谦逊。 The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
- 你弄完了吗?;给我写好了的稿子;稿子写完了;差不多完成了他的研究工作。 are you finished?; gave me the finished manuscript; the manuscript is finished; almost finished with his studies.
- 护理某人使他的病好起来 Nurse sb. through
- 我设想这里的每一个人心中都在想;他的病拖不过这个冬季。 I imagine every one here thought he could not get through the winter.
- 卡尔:我告诉他们了,他们知道我的病好了。魏利太太帮我做了饼干。 KARL : I told them about it. They know I am well. That Mrs. Wheatley made me some biscuits.
- 他做好了他的工作了吗? Has he finished his work yet ?
- 他的身材高大,体形笨拙,一张大圆脸,由于得过奇怪的病,满脸疤痕。 He is large and awkward, with a great round face, scarred and marked by a strange disease
- 就在前几天我偶然想起了你的堂兄,你近来收到他的信了吗? Just the other day I happened to think of your cousin. Have you heard from him lately?
- 病好了|复原了 sit up and take nourishment
- 医师诊断他的病为疟疾。 The doctor diagnosed his illness as malaria.
- 好消息就是,医生说:你看到那边那个人了吗?他想买你的鞋子。 The good news is, said the doctor, see that man over there, he wants to buy your shoes.
- “您生病大家都知道,我经常来打听您的病情,后来我很高兴地知道您的病好了。” 'Everyone knew. I often used to come to find out how you were,and I was very happy to learn of your convalescence.'
- 大夫们成功地治好了他的伤[烧伤]。 The doctors successfully treated his wound [bums].
- 你的病好了吗? Are you yourself again?
- 这位摄影师安装好了他的摄影器材。 The photographer set up his apparatus.
- 你以为他的病危险吗? Do you consider his complaint dangerous ?
- 现在他病好了,可以吃非流质食物了。 Now he is well enough to take solids.
- 我们比一比哪一组的同学最会认读单词。你们准备好了吗? If you know how to read it, please put up your hand. We'll see which group is the winner? Are you ready?
- 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。 His illness resulted from bad food.