- 他的号码是多少? And his number?
- 你要的号码是多少? What number are you calling?
- 布伦达的志向是当一名主管,但我的抱负要比他的大一点。 John hitched his wagon to a start and decided to try to become President.
- 你拨的号码是多少? What number have you dialed?
- 他的直率行为说明他是个诚实的人,可是有些人却认为他粗鲁。 His forthright behaviour shows that he's honest, but he seems rude to some people.
- 请不要把电话挂断,我替你找他的号码。 Would you hold the line? I will find out his number for you.
- 是的,请问你的VISA卡的号码是多少? Yes,what's your VISA card number,please ?
- 这位年老的插图画家从不让他的学生受到万物有情谬想的感染,认为空桶是孤独的。 The old illustrator never let his pupils fall for the pathetic fallacy, that empty barrels are lonely.
- 电话查询台的电话号码是多少? What number shall I dial for directory enquiry?
- 她拿起电话就拨了他的号码。 She picked up the telephone and dialled his number.
- 她犹豫不决,不知是继续做单身女郎好,还是接受他的求婚好。 She wavered between staying single and accepting his proposal.
- 号码是内嵌文件的号码,因此可能会在某些部分号码不连续。 Numbers correspond to internal numbering, and thus may be higher than the number of audio files for that section.
- 如果你想给他打电话,你要在电话本里找他的号码。 If you want to telephone him you will have to look up the number in the book.
- 你们公司的海关注册号码是多少? What's your company's registration number in customs?
- 你记下他的号码了吗? Did you get his number down?
- 乔治的外表叫人以为他是个学者,但他的言行却与学者身份很不相称。 George's appearance makes for the supposition that he may be a scholar, but his speech and behaviour make against it.
- 问事台的电话号码是多少? What number shall I dial to get information?
- 科比选择了八号球衣因为他在ABCD训练营时穿的号码是143,各位数字之和。 Kobe Bryant adopted the number eight as it was the total of the digits on the jersey he wore at the ABCD camp (143).
- 我从电话簿上查到了他的号码。 I found his phone number in the telephone directory.
- 门牌号码是多少? What's the number?