- 他现在还能怎么样?我们已经胜券在握了。 What can he do now? We have the game in our hands.
- 他刚刚出发,因而他现在还不能到达。 He started just now,so he cannot have gone so far.
- 他现在还在医院,所以不能和朋友们一起郊游。 Now he is in hospital, so he can't go for an outing with his friends.
- 这局面是不好受,可我又能怎么样呢。 It's tough, but I can't change it.
- 还能 can also; still can
- 从法律的观点来看,他现在还是无罪的。 In the eyes of the law, he was not yet guilty.
- 这个女人实在叫我受不了。我现在还能听到她刺耳的尖叫声。 I can't stand the woman. I can still hear that high-pitched voice jangling on my ears!
- 他现在还只能吃流质食品。 He now could stomach liquids only.
- "而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。" It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.
- 从法律的观点来看,他现在还是无罪的。 In the eyes of the law, he should be not yet guilty.
- 他现在还住在这儿吗? Does he live here any longer?
- 他现在不能付钱给我,因为他没有现金。 He cannot pay me now for he had no ready cash.
- 趁现在还能工作我得积攒些钱以备以后不能工作时用。 I should start saving money while I've still got a job for the time when I get past it.
- 这样他现在或许就能接着帮我一把咯。 [6BF0F7A]LARA: Und jetzt kann er mir vielleicht weiterhelfen.
- "他现在还住在这儿吗?" "不,他已经不住这儿了。" "Does he live here any longer?" "No, he no longer lives here."
- 既然她这么想,他除了顺从,还能怎么样呢? if she felt that way, there was nothing for him to do but succumb;
- 他现在还在打球吗? Does he play basketball now?
- 他现在是一个半残废的人,不能象过去那样走动。 He is a semi-invalid now and can't get about as wall as he used to.
- 他现在还去这些地方吗? Does he still go to these places?
- 她除了五体投地地崇拜他而外,还能怎么样呢。 She could not choose but adore him with all her heart.