- 他有几支圆规? How many pair of compasses do he have?
- 在欧洲,他说,同时有几支队伍等待爬上某段山脉,导游左右跟着,垃圾到处都是。 In Europe, he said, there are lines of people waiting to go up sections of mountains, guides walking around, and garbage all over the place.
- 他有几年感到不受重视,甚至决定要永远离开印度。 For some years he felt completely out of the picture and even decided to leave India for good.
- 我需要一支圆规画圆。 I need a compass to draw a circle.
- 他有几本像字典、手册之类的参考书。 He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks.
- 当然可以。我想那只盒子里有几支。 Of couse. I think there are a few in that box.
- 他有几个爱吃喝交际的朋友。 He has a couple of boon companions.
- 他有几分喜欢他。 He liked him after a fashion.
- 爷爷是个老猎人,他有一支老式的鸟铳。 My grandfather is an old hunter, he has a medieval fowling piece.
- 你有几支圆珠笔? How many ball-point pens have you get?
- 他有一支新钢笔。这支钢笔是在美国买的。 He has a new pen. The pen was bought in America.
- 他有几个月没有做爱了。 He hadn't had any love in months.
- 显然他有几分胜利了。 Obviously he had triumphed in a way.
- 他们有几支步枪。 They have a few rifles.
- 他有几分演员的天赋。 He is something of an actor.
- 他昨晚听到的音乐中有几个片段不断地萦绕在他的脑际。 Snatches of that music he heard last night keep running in his mind.
- 他有几根灰白色的头发。 He had a few grey hairs.
- 他有一个相貌平平的妻子和几个孩子。 He had a rather dowdy wife and several children.
- 这个地区有几支不同的猎狐队。 There are several different hunts in the area.
- 他有几分像书籍收藏家。 He's something of a book collector.