- 他擅长打乒乓球吗?--是的。 Is he good at playing table tennis? ----Yes, he is.
- 你想打乒乓球吗? Would you care for a game of table tennis?
- 他擅长打排球。 He excels at volleyball.
- 她打乒乓球吗 Does she play table tennis?
- 吗 morphine
- 他擅长打那样的斜射球。 He is good at slicing the ball like that.
- 你爱打乒乓球吗? Do you like to play table tennis ?
- 他擅长布置橱窗,但他们向他征求狂欢节彩车时的意见时,他实在得好好考虑一下。 He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float.
- 擅长 to be good at
- 乒乓球 table tennis
- 也许你比他更擅长打扑克牌,也许他就是你一个引人上钩的骗子。 Maybe you are beter than him at poker or maybe he's just a hustler.
- 他擅长心算。 He is good at mental arithmetic.
- 你/你们/他们有乒乓球吗? Do you/they have a ping-pong ball?
- 亨利在四年级的考试中显示出他擅长于古典文学的翻译。 Henry had demonstrated excellence in translating from the classical languages at his senior examination.
- 她擅长打网球。 She (was adept at) playing tennis.
- 看见孩子们打乒乓球,他不觉技痒。 Seeing the children playing ping-pong, he itched to have a go
- 他擅长养鸟。 He has a touch with birds.
- 他擅长花式跳水。 He is good at fancy diving.
- 他热衷于打乒乓球 his enthusiasm for table tennis
- 他擅长与孩子们打成一片。 He has a genius for getting along with children.