- 他打算做些什么? What was he planning to do?
- 你打算做些什么? A: What are you planning to do?
- 你春节打算做些什么? What are you doing for spring festival?
- 他打算做律师。 He plans to enter the law.
- 既然我们对情况已基本了解,那么你要我们帮你做些什么呢? Now that we’re fully in the picture what can we do to help you?
- 我不知道他打算做什么。 I had no inkling of what he intended to do.
- 我略知他打算做什麽。 I had an inkling of what he intended to do.
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?" "What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 他打算做个教师。 He means to be a teacher.
- 阿兰突然意识到他必须得做些什么了。 Alan suddenly realized what he had to do.
- 我略知他打算做什么。 I had an inkling of what he intended to do.
- 我去跟厨师说,看看他能做些什么。 I'll speak to the chef and see what he can do.
- 我略知 [不知道] 他打算做什么。 I had an [no] inkling of what he intended to do.
- 他今天来到克隆实验室是来看看他能为此做些什么。 He has come to the cloning lab today to see if he can't do something about it.
- 就泄漏一事,他打算做点什么。 He figures on doing something about the leak.
- 是的。我以前从没去过儿。你能帮我个忙吗?你觉得我在去之前应该做些什么? I know. I've never been there before. Can you help me? What do you think I should do before going?
- 我能做些什么来使她高兴呢? What can I do to cheer her up?
- 你近来做些什么? What have you been doing lately?
- 我们做些什么才能减轻她的烦恼呢? What can we do to lessen her vexation?
- 联合国为保护环境在做些什么? What is the UN doing to protect the environment?