- 他带钱了吗? Has he any money on him?
- 你身上带钱了吗?--我身上除了一张百万英镑的钞票之外,一无所有。 Do you have any money with you? --I have nothing in the world but a million-pound note.
- “吉姆来了吗?”“来了,他已在楼下等候半个小时。”“那么你为何不将他带上楼来?” "Has Jim come here yet?" "Yes, he's been waiting downstairs for half an hour." "Then, why don't you bring him up?"
- 他带钱出来了吗? Has he come it?
- 关于约翰的新工作,他告诉你他挣多少钱了吗? Apropose of John's new job,did he tell you how much he is earning?
- 玛丽多年来一直缠着他要他带她去欧洲玩。 For years Mary had been pestering him to take her to Europe.
- 迈克去买东西时忘了带钱了。 Mike left his money behind when he went shopping.
- 好消息就是,医生说:你看到那边那个人了吗?他想买你的鞋子。 The good news is, said the doctor, see that man over there, he wants to buy your shoes.
- 你带钱了没有? Have you got any money on you?
- 他带一顶黑帽子,帽舌拉得低低的一直盖到眼睛。 He wore a black cap with the peak pulled down low over his eyes.
- 你算出假期得花多少钱了吗? Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost?
- 他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内。 He came into the room with an air of importance.
- 难道仅仅因为如果修锁匠想闯入我们房间就能够闯入他就成为夜贼了吗? Do locksmiths become burglars just because they could break into our house if they wanted to do so?
- 带钱的那个贼吓得把包扔了。 The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.
- 恰好我没带钱。 It(so) happened that I had no money with me.(I happened to have no money with me.)
- 你弄完了吗?;给我写好了的稿子;稿子写完了;差不多完成了他的研究工作。 are you finished?; gave me the finished manuscript; the manuscript is finished; almost finished with his studies.
- 他带着我的钱逃走了。 He eloped with my money.
- 他知道自己必须变卖些东西来换钱了。 He knew he had to sell something to raise some money.
- 身边没带钱 have no money on one
- 你给你父亲写了回信没有,感谢他送给你的生日礼物了吗? Have you written back to your father yet, thanking him for the birthday gift?