- 他如何对待你的建议? How did he react to your suggestion?
- 在他如何对待你之间保持一个界限。 Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
- 上帝不会问你住在哪个社区,他会问你是如何对待你的左邻右舍的. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
- 他如何对待你? How did he behave towards you?
- 我们将把你的建议编到新计划中去。 We will incorporate your suggestion in the new plan.
- 她似乎对你的建议显出有意接受的样子。 It seems that she is nibbling at your suggestions.
- 该部门的发言人拒绝透漏成的驻扎地点以及他如何接触到病毒。 A spokesman of the ministry declined to say in which part of the country Cheng was stationed or how he may have come in contact with the virus.
- 你的建议应归入就业改造这一总的范畴。 Your suggestion belongs under the general heading of employment reorganization.
- 当地报纸详细地报道了他如何打击“斯利斯克尔的‘歪风邪气’”的事。 The local newspapers reported his attacks on "The evils in Sleescale" at length.
- 这些专家教恐惧症患者如何对待他们的恐惧,以致最终克服它们。 Such specialists teach phobic people how to deal with their fears and, eventually, overcome them.
- 如果我们听你的建议就等于走上堕落自毀的道路。 If we followed your advice we'd all be walking down the primrose path to ruin.
- 这句话说明了他如何看待这个世界,也说明了耐克公司是如何实现它的目标的。 It defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how Nike pursues its destiny
- 你希望别人如何对待你,你就如何对待别人。古希腊寓言家伊索 Treat other people as you hope they will treat you. --Aesop, Ancient Greek fable writer
- 我将把你的建议提交管理委会员考虑。 I'll put your suggestion before the management committee.
- 他如何和为什么来到新泽西州的普林斯顿是一个充满奋斗、功和令人伤心的一段经历。 How and why he had come to Princeton, New Jersey is a story of struggle, success, and sadness.
- 当吉姆知道了玛丽被如何对待时,一股抑制不住的愤怒涌上心头。 Uncontrollable anger swept over Jim when he learned how Mary had been treated.
- 你的建议大大地促进了我们工作的完成。 Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.
- 你绝不能居高临下地对待你的雇员。 You should never make the mistake of condescending to your employees.
- 您可以提出以下问题:我们该如何对待我们的邻居?我们又希望我们的邻居如何对待我们? You may ask the following: How should we treat our neighbors? How would we like our neighbors to treat us?
- 我们可以把你的建议分成几个类别。 We can bring your suggestions under several headings.