- 他在胡扯些什麽呀? What's he burbling (on) about?
- 他在胡扯些什麽呀? What's he burbling (on) about?
- 他在胡扯些什麽? What's he gibbering away about?
- 他在胡扯些什麽? What's he gibbering away about?
- 他胡扯些什麽? What's he blabbering (on) about?
- 布朗先生现在已康复,几个月以前他在医院里住了3个星期。 Mr Brown is well now, but a while back he was in the hospital for three weeks.
- 比赛结束,他在10佳歌手中占有一席之地。 He was put in the ten best singers after the concert.
- 你在我的书桌里乱翻什麽呀? What are you doing rooting around in my desk?
- 这傻瓜完全是在胡扯。 The fool is talking stark nonsense.
- 他父亲利用私人关系后,他在市政府里谋到一个轻松的工作。 He got a plush job in City Hall after his father pulled strings.
- 你颠三倒四地说些什麽呀? What are you bumbling (on) about?
- 这痛苦使他在节日里兴高采烈的顾客面前显得有些畏缩。 The pain of it made him recoil from the exuberance of holiday shoppers.
- 该农夫那张饱经风霜的脸是他在野外生活了数年之久的证明。 The farmer's weather-beaten face bore witness to his years spent outdoors.
- (我)亲爱的,你说什麽呀? What did you say, (my) precious?
- 但是到了1997年8月24日,他在尿样检验时再次查出含阳性。 But on August 24th 1997 he was found positive to an ant doping control.
- 忙什麽呀? What's the hurry?
- 爱德华并不把他在生意中的道德准则运用到私人关系中去。 Edward does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships.
- 他在姐姐的帮助之下作业才有些进步. He was getting nowhere (ie making no progress) with his homework until his sister helped him
- 世界在倾听,世界在注视,世界等待着我们做些什麼。 The world listens.The world watches.The world waits to see what we will do.
- 以什麽条件? On what tenure?