- 他在哪儿读的博士学位? Where did he do his doctorate?
- 他在哪儿读的博士学位? Where did he do his doctorate?
- 他记得在哪儿读到过这样的句子:这就是那张令征帆叠进、让特洛伊化为焦土的脸吗? He recalled reading the lines somewhere: was this face that lanched a thousands ships, And burned the topless towers of Ilium?
- 他因此被授予爵士勋号,还获得牛津和剑桥大学的博士学位。 After the treasures reached England, Aurel Stein was both knighted and honoured with doctoral degrees from Oxford and Cambridge University.
- 我赢了。但是梅林在哪儿?他在蛮夫人的身体里。我是细菌。梅林变成了细菌。 I win.But where's Merlin? He's in Madam Mim.I'm a germ.Merlin is a germ now.
- "纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家小旧书店里找到了他所需要的那本难得的书。" By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second-hand bookshop.
- 外科医学专业授予的博士学位。 a doctor's degree in dental surgery.
- 他在年轻时艰苦地开创了一番事业。 He hewed out a career for himself in his early years.
- "你在哪儿?"我问他,并竭力辨别背景噪音。 " Where are you?" I asked him,trying to recognise the background noise.
- "非常高兴地得知你获得复旦大学的博士学位,向你表示衷心的祝贺" It was delightful news for me to lean of your reception of a doctor's degree from Fudan University
- "乔治在哪儿?" "我想他是回家自我安慰去了。你对他太严厉了一点儿。" "Where is George?" "Gone off home to lick his wounds, I expect. You were pretty severe with him."
- 申请研读的学位越高,以往的科研、学术成果和工作经验等等就越是重要。 The application reads the degree is higher, the former scientific research, the academic achievement and the work experience and so on more are important.
- 他在事业上取得成就之后就被任命为大使。 After a successful career in business, he was appointed ambassador.
- 博士后的博士学位后的学术研究的,与博士学位后的学术研究有关的或从事博士后研究的 Of,relating to,or engaged in academic study beyond the level of a doctoral degree.
- 最后一个问题是关于学生在学校的确切级别,也就是说,学校是否承认他在其他学校所读的学分。 A final question may remain as to the student's precise academic placement -- that is, whether or not "advanced placement," "advanced standing," or" transfer credit" (however it may be known) will be given.
- 他在这么短的时间内掌握英语太难了。 It's too difficult for him to master English in such a short time.
- 美国的博士学位,一般要进行三年研究生的学习,并且要通过学位论文才能授予;研究生院所能授予的最高学位。 an American doctorate usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation; the highest degree awarded by a graduate school.
- 我读了他在《金融时报》上的文章。 I read him in Financial Times.
- 如果你的目标是得到一个博士学位,在大学任教是个明显的出路。 And if you were inclined towards a PhD, teaching in the university would be your obvious end point.
- 他在事业上取得成就之后就被任命为亲善大使。 After a successful career in business, he was appointed good-will ambassador.