- 他唧唧喳喳地说什麽呢? What is he twittering (on) about?
- 他唧唧喳喳地说什麽呢? What is he twittering (on) about?
- 别再唧唧喳喳地说了! Stop twittering!
- 经上说什麽呢?说:“亚伯拉罕信上帝,这就算为他的义。 What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
- 别再唧唧喳喳地说了! Stop twittering!
- 女学生们在上学途中唧唧喳喳地说个不停。 The schoolgirls chippered on their way to school.
- 那个卑鄙无耻的人撒了那麽多的谎,不管他说什麽都没人听。 The scoundrelly person have lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he say.
- 你到底以为你在做什麽呢? What in thunder do you think you're doing?
- 那妇人家从下层甲板上的货箱和棉花包中向前走去,最后坐定下来,唧唧喳喳地忙着哄她的娃娃。 The woman walked forward among the boxes and bales of the lower deck, and, sitting down, busied herself with chirruping to her baby.
- 这剧本的主题是什麽? What is the essential theme of the play?
- ‘我才不在乎呢,’他漫不经心地说。 I don't care, ' he said airily.
- 你最近有什麽计画? What are your plans for the immediate future?
- 终于杜竹斋的眼睛里耀着坚决的亮光,看看尚仲礼,又看看赵伯韬,三个人不约而同地大笑起来。接着,三个头便攒在一处,唧唧喳喳地谈得非常有劲儿。 then Tu Chu-chai, the light of determination in his eyes, looked first at Shang Chung-li and then at Chao Po-tao. Simultaneously, the three of them burst out laughing, then put their heads together in an animated conversation.
- 她客气地说出她的借口。 She phrased her excuse politely.
- 食品柜里除了一些面包其它什麽也不剩。 No food is left in the pantry except some bread.
- 什麽都无法取代母爱。 Nothing can replace a mother's love.
- 你想讲什么?爽快地说吧! What are you going to say? Spit it out!
- 评定获奖者以什麽作标准? What are the criteria for deciding (ie How do we decide) who gets the prize?
- 吉姆许诺会坦率并且准确地说出他的想法。 Tom promised to come (out) into the open and say what he was thinking.
- 那个孩子现在又抱怨什麽呢? What is that child whining about now?