- 他呼吸困难吗?胸疼吗?他和平常一样地玩吗? Doctor: Has he any difficulty in breathing? Does he complain of chest pains? Does he play as ususl?
- 吗 morphine
- 我最后一次同琼坐在一起是一个星期六的上午在她的卧室里,当时他呼吸困难,身体特别不舒服。 The last time I sat with June on a Saturday morning in her bedroom, she was having hard time breathing and getting comfortable.
- 一头年老体弱的狮子,无力自行觅食,只好躺在洞穴里;他呼吸困难,说话有气无力,一脸病入膏肓的样子。 A lion, no longer able, from the weakness of old age, to hunt for his prey, laid himself up in his den, and, breathing with great difficulty, and speaking with a low voice, gave out that he was very ill indeed.
- 困难 issue
- 他觉得在高空呼吸困难。 He found it difficult to breathe at high altitudes.
- 要把工具偷偷带进那监狱很困难吗? Is it difficult to smuggle tools into that prison?
- 在这里我不会打扰任何人,我可以彻夜地让他呼吸硫磺烟气。 I don't bother anyone here I can keep the smoke up to him all the night.
- 你担心会有困难吗? Do you apprehend any difficulty?
- 而且我没有感觉到他呼吸起伏。你简直不能相信这是他的回归赛。 And I didn't notice him heavy breathing either. Stamina-wise, you wouldn't have thought this was his comeback game.
- 要把工具偷偷带进那监狱很困难吗? Is it difficult to smuggle tools into that prison?
- 他呼吸时觉得吸进肺部的空气冷得刺人。 The air came into his lungs sharp and cold as he breathed.
- 这位老人呼吸困难。 The old man is breathing hard.
- 你怕有任何困难吗? Do you apprehend there will be any difficulty?
- 从他呼吸糸统收集的样板作初步微生物化验显示有肺炎球菌及副流感病毒。 Preliminary microbiological test results on his respiratory specimens show pneumococcus and parainfluenza virus.
- 你英语上有困难吗? Do you have any difficulty with English?
- 他呼吸急促,脸上的神情却十分宁静而满意,嘴里还不时发出轻轻的“噗噗”声。 He breathed short, his face wore a placid satisfied expression, and at intervals he faintly murmured‘ Poop-poop!
- 有人呼吸困难! Someone can't breathe!
- 但是,要明白最后通牒游戏只有一次互动的机会,真有那麽困难吗? But can it be so hard to realize that the Ultimatum Game is a one-shot interaction?
- 她观察着他呼吸时胸部的微微起伏。 She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed.