- 他们骑的是哪种自行车? What kind of bicycles do they ride?
- 不管最终出现的是哪种疫苗,对它们的迫切需求是毫无问题的。 Whatever vaccines ultimately become available, there is no question that such preventives are urgently needed.
- 倒是小姐们比他幸运,他们利用楼上的窗口,看清了他穿的是蓝外套,骑的是一匹黑马。 The ladies were somewhat more fortunate,for they had the advantage of ascertaining,from an upper window,that he wore a blue coat and rode a black horse.
- 中国人跑步吗?我只知道他们骑自行车和打乒乓球 Does Chinese run? I thought they bike or Pingpong
- 他在意的是哪种产品能便宜地买来在他的书桌上运行,以及哪种产品有杰出的性能。 He cares about what he can get cheaply to run on his desk, and what gives him awesome performance.
- 他们骑着马向敌人的防线发起冲锋。 They charged forwards on horseback towards the enemy lines.
- 不管是哪种情况,从表面上来看,元调度器都不是我们要寻找的实体。 Whichever the case, metaschedulers are not - at face value - the entity we re looking for.
- 就好象我们去玩的一样,茫茫的人海中我已经不知道骑的有多么的累了,但我还有坚持! Resembles the dissimilarity which we plays, in the boundless hugecrowd I already did not know rode has has been tired, but I also hadpersisted!
- 市议会高兴的是,请普通市民帮助规划地方图书馆一事已收到效果。 The council are pleased with the results of bringing ordinary citizens in on local library planning.
- 你要打听的是哪个月的火车呢? Which month of the year is you think of?
- 他骑的是一匹顶呱呱的黑马,鞍鞯绣得很华丽。 He had a splendid black horse with a richly embroidered saddle-cloth.
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 这并不是哪一些同志的责任,责任在于我们过去没有及时提出改革。 This is not the fault of any group of comrades.The fault lies in the fact that we haven't made reforms in time.
- "我可以约莫猜测一下," 那陌生人回答说,"我可能不得不担心的是 ... " "I may form a round guess, " answered the stranger, "what I might have to fear ... "
- 要哪种? Which kind?
- 你打哪种电报? What kind of cable do you want to send?
- 目前对你们来说最精彩的是哪次? What have been the highlights so far for you?
- 最重要的是,他们应该劳动,这样他们便可以明白事理了。 Above all that they should work, thus they would learn.
- 你要哪种房间? What kind of room do you have in mind?
- 你经常锻炼吗?这里可以指的是举重啊,或者是类似骑自行车或游泳的一些运动。 Do you work out often? This can mean either lifting weights, or general exercise such as riding a bicycle or swimming.