- 他们还说了些什么? What else did they say?
- 你还说了些什么别的? Do you say anything else?
- 他还说了些什么? What else did he say?
- “而是直到现在他们说了些什么。” but what they have already said.
- 他们还说片子制作粗糙,虚构痕迹很明显。 The doubters say the fake was done so badly there is obvious evidence that it didn't actually happen.
- 他们还搀和了些柑橘和柠檬,这是整个意大利最好的葡萄酒。 They mix it with oranges anti lemons. It's the best wine in Italy."
- 她还说了些什么? What else did she say?
- 赵伯韬转过脸来,又冷冷地问道:“他们还说什么呢?” Chao Po-tao turned to Liu Yu-ying again and asked icily, "What else were they talking about?"
- 彼得弯下身去在费利克斯耳边低声说了些什么。 Peter leaned over and whispered something in Felix's ear.
- 他们的报道还说了“盲法实验结果表明明显的反应是由于强烈期望起搏反应”。 "Blinded trials suggest that the apparent response is due to a strong expectation response to pacing," they also report.
- 校长说了些什么? What did the schoolmaster say?
- 他还说了些我羞于启齿的话。 He said other things I cannot speak out for shame.
- 院长嬷嬷还说些什么? What else does the Reverend Mother say?
- 我不知道他说了些什么。 What he said slips my mind.
- 他意识到那时他说了些什么吗? Was he conscious of what he was saying at the rime?
- 上校:院长嬷嬷还说些什么? Captain: What else did the Reverend Mother say?
- 他们讨论了两个小时什么也没定下来,只是绕来绕去说了些没用的话。 They discussed for two hours and nothing was decided. just talking in circles.
- 那个可怜的人说了些什么使你这样地责骂他? What did the poor man say that make you lam into him like that?
- 过了一会儿,瘟神来了,对他们大发脾气,他说他看不出他们干了些什么。 Misery came a little while afterwards and began shouting at them because he said he could not see what they had done.
- 约翰弯下身子和玛丽低声说了些什么。 John leant over and whispered something in Mary's ear.