- 他们还能上哪去? Where can they have got to?
- 他们还能满足你买廉价货的需要。 They also could supply your need of cheap goods.
- 老鼠上哪去了?你们这些臭老鼠,我非得把你们一个个吃掉不可。 The cat Where are the mice? You bad mice! I will eat you.
- 能 energy
- 不能 cannot
- 他们还能不能回来和朋友们欢聚? Would they ever find themselves again in the midst of their friends round the domestic hearth?
- 上哪去买? Where to buy a new lampwick for it?
- 你认为尽管比尔和简经常发生争吵,他们还能继续维持他们的夫妻关系吗? Do you think Bill and Jane will stay together in spite of their frequent quarrels?
- 你上哪去? Where are you steering for?
- "而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。" It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year.
- 切尔:(到乔希)个有驾照的司机没事做?上哪去找这么失败的人啊? Cher:( about Josh) A licensed driver with nothing to do? Where would I find such a loser?
- 她又对她的男友冷嘲热讽了,他们还能在一起多久呢? She's taking a dig at her boyfriend again. How long can they stay together?
- 他们还从未在行动上分道扬镳。 They had never yet separated in act.
- 你到底上哪去了? Where on earth have you been?
- 至于去哪里,他们还没有决定。 As to where to go, they haven't decided yet.
- 你上哪去了? Where did you go?
- Asimo是世界上最先进的人工智能机器人,它不仅能说日语而且还能上下楼和识别不同的声音。 "Asimo, the world's most advanced humanoid robot - can also speak Japanese as well as being able to walk upstairs and recognise voices."
- 他们的友谊起始于上次世界大战当他们还是战友的时候。 Their friendship began at last time's world war when they still battle companion.
- 他知道上哪去会小兄弟们。 He knew where to meet the boys.
- 如果天气正常,他们还能把产量再提高一成。 Given normal weather, they will raise the output by another10 per cent.