- 他们的归宿在哪里? Whither are they going?
- 那你的归宿在哪里? Michael: So where do you finish?
- 他们的 theirs
- 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐着缕缕白烟。 In the sub-zero weather, their exhausts plumbed white in the grey streets.
- 他们的补给中心在哪里? Where is the supply center?
- 我一直在为下一届运动会训练两名跳高选手,他们的进步相当不错。 I've been coaching two high-jumpers for the next meeting and they're shaping up very nicely.
- 所有的古树在拔起时失去他们的建筑护甲而变成中型护甲。 Ancients temporarily lose their fortified armor when they uproot, becoming medium armor units.
- 每个提案国只需要简单地告诉秘书处他们的提案应该放在哪里。 Each proponent would simply tell the Secretariat where its proposals should go.
- 新英格兰各州的州长不准他们的军队在联邦统率下作战。 The governors of the New England states would not allow their armies to go into the field under Federal command.
- 他们的诊断结果和杜克洛大夫在巴黎的诊断结果完全一致。 Their diagnosis was exactly the same as that of Dr. Duclos, in Paris.
- 其成员将他们的希望寄托在现有制度与“渐进必然性”的“渗透”之中。 Its members pur their hopes in the "permeation" of the existing institutions and the "inevitability of gradualness."
- 他们在小径上散步,他们的小儿子蹦蹦跳跳地走在他们的前头。 They walked along the path and their little son hotched in front of them.
- 有一天晚上,他们的友谊在尼斯一家酒吧间里得到巩固。 Their friendship had been cemented one night in a bar in Nice.
- 那些迷们只惊鸿一瞥地看到他们的偶像,因他跑进去正在等待的车。 The fans caught a fleeting glimpse of their idol as he ran into the waiting car.
- 他会恢复圣人的住所,遍及整块土地,在适合他们的地方设置牧师。 He shall restore the dwellings of the saints throughout the lands and settle the pastors in places which befit them.
- 在最近几年里,农民家庭已开始使他们的收入来源多样化。 In recent years, farm households have begun to diversify their sources of income.
- 他知道,他们的缘分会让他们来生来世里都永远在一起。 He knew that their karma dictated that they would be together in various incarnations.
- 怀特兄弟对科学社会团体颁发给他们的奖章看得很淡,并一再拒绝在公共场合发表讲话。 The Wright brothers paid little attention to the medals they received from scientific societies and refused to make a public speech again and again.
- 工人在工会中没有被尊重他们的成员资格而被雇用的公司 a company whose workers are hired without regard to their membership in a labor union
- 他们的记录显示,在巴黎一小时触摸100次,而在伦敦,根本就没有。 They recorded an average of about 100 touches per hour in Paris-and no touching at all in London.