- 他们有些什么样的特质? Which character do they have?
- 你们有些什么样的拖鞋? What have you got in slippers ?
- 哦,你们有些什么样的香水? Well,what kind of perfume do you have?
- 虽然我对他们有些同情,我却不认为他们是对的。 While I have some sympathy for them, I don't think they are right.
- 我把这首歌送给所有相亲相爱的人,祝他们有一个光明幸福的未来。 I give this song to all the people who love each other and wish them a bright and happy future.
- 但是缺乏某种指导以前,人们不能决定究竟应该做些什么样的实验。 But one cannot decide what experiments to do without some guidance.
- 我觉察到我在时他们有些拘束. I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
- 只要一个人有正常的判断能力,读什么样的书没有多大关系。 It matter little what kind of book one read, so long as one have sound judgment.
- 他们有好几十个组织,他们进行的社会改革斗争,我们篇幅有限,不能备述。 There was dozens of organizations and more campaigns for social reforms than we have space to relate.
- 很有意思。你拍些什么样的照片呢? Interesting. What do you photograph?
- 他们有些掉了队,消极了起来。 Some of them dropped out of the revolutionary ranks and became passive.
- 由于我在写作和编辑工作方面有些能力,所以编辑工作一直对我有巨大的吸引力。 The editorial work has always had a great appeal to me as I have some ability in writing and editorial work.
- 假如有充分的时间,什么样的事情都会发生在每一个人的身上。 Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.
- 他们有些重要的问题要讨论。 They had important matters to discuss.
- 关于他你记得的都是些什么样的? What types of memories do you have of him?
- 瞧他们有没有胆量。我要向他们咬我的大拇指,瞧他们能不能忍受这样的侮辱。 As they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.
- 您那天想做些什么样的服务呢? What kind of services would you like to have that day?
- 假如这个世上的人他们有像你那样的心我们不会有战火这个地球将会有持久的和平 If all the people around the world they had a mind like yours we'd have no fighting and no wars there would be lasting peace on Earth
- 你知道他想要些什么样的信息么? Could you offer me more details and other benchmarking relevant information?
- 密码会让他们有权访问您的帐户和EFS文件(假设您没有把EFS密钥存储在智能卡上)。 The password would gain them access to your account and EFS files (assuming you didn't store the EFS key on a smart card).