- 他们敲了你多少钱? (你付了多少?) How much did they screw you for? ie How much did you have to pay?
- 他们敲了你多少钱?(你付了多少?) How much did they screw you for? ie How much did you have to pay?
- 这双靴子他们敲了你多少钱? How much did they sting you for that pair of boots?
- 他们敲了你多少钱? How much did they screw you for?
- 他们敲了你多少钱? How much did they screw you for?
- 他们敲了敲门,但没人答应。 They rapped the door, but there was no answer .
- "如果你对我的女朋友胡来,我会揍扁了你!" 他威胁说。 "If you mess my girl about, I'll smash your face in!"
- 他们敲了一千户人家的门,但是每一次都被拒绝了,既不能在那里休息,也得不到食物。 At a thousand houses they knocked, and a thousand times they were refused rest and refreshment.
- 要多少钱 how much
- 埃文小心地扶着米娜走上房前的便道,敲了敲门。 Evan carefully led Minna up the front walk and knocked on the door.
- 你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱? How much did your new bicycle set you back?
- 一桶石油要多少钱? How much does a barrel of oil cost?
- 在德里每一个繁忙的交叉路口和集市上,都闲荡着衣衫褴褛的儿童和没有手指的麻风病人,他们敲着车窗,讨要食物或者现金。 FILTHY children and fingerless lepers, tapping on car windows and pleading for "paisa, khana" (cash, food), hang around every busy traffic junction and market in Delhi.
- “高原谷地”抓到了一点这样的精神和情感,并且把他们带进了你家的客厅。 Highland Lowland shall catch a little bit of that spirit, of these emotions and bring them back into your living room.
- 你向他借了多少钱? How much have you borrowed from him?
- 修鞋要多少钱? How much do you charge for mending shoes?
- 老百姓是决不容情的,在一个民族敌人深入国土之时,你要反共,他们就要了你的命。 If you oppose the Communist Party at a juncture when our national enemy is penetrating deep into our territory,the people will be after your hide;they will certainly show you no mercy.
- 她出了多少钱? How much did she come down with?
- 汽车服务站敲了你多少修理费? How much did the garage rush you for those repairs?
- 他存了多少钱? How much does he have to his credit?