- 他们在干些什麽呢? What can they is doing?
- 我是不会告诉你干些什麽的 Far is it from me to tell you what to do
- 他们究竟在干些什么呢? What can they be doing?
- 我可以说,在补强这些投手时,为什麽他们在纽约应该表现的更好。 I can go on and on, making cases for each of these pitchers and why they should have been better in the Bronx.
- 由于他们四个实在太小了,他们在干什么当然不太会引起旁人的注意。 Due to their small size, it would be easy not to notice what the four of them were doing.
- 她在康复期间做些什麽来消磨时间呢? What did she do to pass the time (ie to make the period of boredom less tedious) while she was convalescing?
- 和卡罗尔办不成任何事,她根本就不知道自己一天天地在干些什么。 It's impossible to arrange anything with Carol - she never knows what she's doing from one day to the next.
- 你唠叨什麽呢? What are you wittering (on) about?
- 我不大清楚他们在干什么。 I am not sure what they are doing.
- "可是,我还有什么别的法子呢?所有的牌都捏在你的手里。" "Well, what else is there for me to do? You hold all the cards in your hands."
- 他们在这场闹剧中扮演了可耻的角色。 They played a shameful role in this farce.
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?" "What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 这到底是什麽呢? Whatever can it be?
- 他们在田里长时间地劳动。 They worked for long spells in the fields.
- "今天你在干什么?" "哦,没干啥,只是在闲混。" "What have you been doing today?" "Oh, nothing, just fucking off."
- 他们在洽谈技术合作事宜。 They are discussing matters concerned with technical cooperation.
- 山羊:你好,乌龟先生,你在干什么? Goat: Hello, Mr. Tortoise, what are you doing?
- 他们在雪地里步履维艰地走着。 They walked with difficulty in the snow.
- 世界在倾听,世界在注视,世界等待着我们做些什麼。 The world listens.The world watches.The world waits to see what we will do.
- 你(用枪)射击什麽呢? What are you shooting (your gun) at?