- 他们喜欢运动吗? Do they like sports?
- 你喜欢运动吗? Do you like playing sports?
- 吗 morphine
- 喜欢 to like
- 运动 movement
- 他们喜欢新的家庭生活方式。 They like new patterns of family life.
- 喜欢的 fond
- 老师:珍喜欢运动吗? Teacher: Does Jane like sports?
- 他们喜欢来自东方的绘画。 They love paintings from the Orient.
- 他们喜欢有关成年人顽皮的故事。 They enjoyed stories about adult naughtiness.
- 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗? Do you think football is an exciting sport?
- 喜欢运动 enjoy doing sports
- 他们喜欢汉堡包。 They like hamburgers.
- 他生性不喜欢运动。 He has a temperamental dislike of sports.
- 他们喜欢划船。 They were fond of boating.
- 他们喜欢在家自酿啤酒。 They like to brew up their own beer at home.
- 你好,肯。你喜欢运动吗? Hi, Ken. Do you like sports?
- 他们喜欢参加室外体育活动。 They like to take part in a sports activity outdoors.
- 我倒不是不喜欢运动本身--而是觉得有些浪费时间。 I don't dislike sport qua sport I just think it's rather a waste of time.
- 他们喜欢这温度吗? Did they find the temperature to their liking?