- 他们为什么不戒烟呢? Why do not they quit smoking?
- 你为什么不戒烟呢? Why don't you, uh, quit smoking?
- 为什么你不戒烟呢?它对身体有害。 A: Why don't you give up smoking? It's bad for your health.
- 我们双方都看到那些路旁站下了当地农民售货卡车后面::他们为什么不利用呢? We've all seen those road-side stands where the local farmers sell their goods out of the back of their truck. Why not take advantage of that?
- 可你干嘛不戒烟呢? Why do not you quit smoking?
- 他们为什么不走开?自命不凡的家伙们。 Why didn't they go away? Smug ones.
- 呢 (question particle)
- 医生直截了当地告诉,他如果不戒烟,他一年内就要死去。 The doctor told him baldly that if he didn't stop smoking he'd be dead in a year.
- 他们为什么不选择他我觉得是个谜。 It's a mystery to me why they didn't choose him.
- 逃学的男孩编造藉口来解释他们为什么不上学。 The boys playing truant cooked up an excuse to explain their absence from school.
- 他们为什么不明事理? Why can't they see reason?
- 我不明白他们为什么不告而别。 I can't think why they left without saying good-bye.
- 我不明白他们为什么不理睬我。 I don't understand why they cut me dead.
- 你为什么不请教吉尔呢?她很精通家犬饲养。 Why don't you ask Gill? She's well up on dog breeding.
- 我不知道他们为什么放下工作在我篱畔流连。 I know not why they leave their work and linger near my hedge.
- 他们为什么要想法在各民族之间挑拨离间呢? Why did they try to sow dissension among the nationalities?
- 你为什么不打开窗子让房间通通风呢? Why don't you open the windows so that the room can air?
- 直到今天我还不理解他们为什么这样做。 To this day I still can't make out why they did so.
- 你即然这么不满意自己的工作,为什么不设法改变一下呢? Why not do something to get out of the rut if you're so dissatisfied with your job?
- 他们为什么要迫使我们后退呢? What are they trying to drive us back for?