- 从这到公园要多久? How long does it take from here to the park?
- 从这到纽约有多远? How far is it to New York? It is sixty miles.
- 非常感谢,从这到那儿有多远? Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
- 这 this
- 从这到天津有多远? How far is it form here to Tianjin?
- 不会超过20分钟;到中央公园要5分钟,然后再过15分钟就到第十街了。 No more than 20 minutes. Five minutes to get to Central,then another 15 to get to 10th Street.
- 目前请把这个报道当做个传言,因为华纳几次否认了类似这样的主题公园要建立的传言。 Please treat the entire article as a rumor for right now, since Warner Bros. has denied several times that any such theme park will be happening.
- 到你家要多久? How long will it take to get to your house?
- 从这到机场我花了整整二十分钟。 It takes me just twenty minutes to get to the airport from here .
- 请问,从这里飞往巴黎的确定时间要多久? Excuse me. What's the actual flying time from here to Paris?
- 我们要到公园里去植树。 We are going to plant trees in the park.
- 从这到电影院只有几分钟路程。 It's only several minutes from here to the cinema.
- 你主动提出要干完这项工作。好倒是好,可是要多久你才能干完呢? You have offered to finish that job. That's very well,but how soon will you be able to do it?
- 登山队员们成功地从这座山的北坡爬上了顶峰。 The mountaineers succeeded in climbing the north face of the mountain to the top peak.
- 我坐这车可以到公园去吗? Be this the bus that will take me to the park?
- `到牛津要多久?'`大约一个半小时,上下差不了几分钟。' `How long will it take us to get to Oxford?' `About an hour and a half, give or take a few minutes.'
- 罪恶的子弹正是从这支枪里射出的。 The murder bullet was shot from this very gun.
- 在日本,财务管理水平远远滞后于机器类,但这到不缺乏的是良好的教育。 Financial engineering trails far behind the mechanical sort in Japan, but that is not for want of a good education.
- 从这起都是轻松的。 It's all downhill from here.
- 要多久我的指甲才会长到可以挑战14英尺6英寸的纪录呢? How long would it take to grow my fingernails to beat a record for a total of 14-feet, six inches?