- 喂! 今晚吃顿中餐好不好? Say! How about a Chinese meal tonight?
- 今晚吃顿中餐好不好? Say! How about a Chinese meal tonight?
- 吃 eat
- 今晚吃中餐还是西餐? What would you like to have tonight,Western food or Chinese food?
- 再等一会儿你看好不好? Do you think it advisable to wait a little longer?
- 顿 jerk
- 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在家里凑合着吃顿便饭? Shall we go out for dinner tonight? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck?
- 中餐 Chinese food
- 我们今晚吃什么? What shall we have for dinner tonight?
- 别胡扯了,好不好! Quit bullshitting, will you!
- 吃喝 regale on
- 吃完 to finish eating
- 你稍稍客气一点好不好? I'll thank you to be a little more polite.
- 吃东西 feed
- 吃饱 eat one's fill
- 吃药 take the medicine
- 咱们去打雪仗吧,好不好? Let's go to snowball, shall we?
- 吃晚饭 sup on
- 吃午饭 tiffin
- 吃的 edacious