- 今晚会有多少人来? How many bods are coming over tonight?
- 我不能确定今晚将有多少人来赴宴。保险起见,还是多做点吧。 I'm not sure how many people are coming here for dinner tonight, let's just play it safe and make some extra food.
- 今晚会有三颗明亮的星星,一颗代表孤独的人 That star will shine its light each time that someone sighs
- 这么说吧,我们参加一个与自己毫不相关的会议时会有多少人对会上的讨论感兴趣呢? How many of us say, attending that is irrelevant to us, would be interested in the discussion?
- 他们预料会有很多人来投票。 They expected a heavy poll.
- 那你们总共会有多少人? So how many people are you bringing in total?
- 我不在时有多少人来过电话? How many people have rung up while I've been out?
- 我们没有料到会有这么多的人来参加茶会。 We did not bargain for so many people coming to tea.
- 我从未考虑到完成这项工作会有多少困难。 I never reflected how difficult it would be to complete this work.
- 有多少人来参加晚会? How many people are coming to the party?
- 这些忠实支持者中,有多少人卡尔能够动员起来支持威尔呢 How many of the faithful would carr.be able to move behind Will?
- 如果真的克隆出人来,会有甚么后果? If humans can really be cloned, what kind of consequences will occur?
- 中国加入世贸后会有多少业务从香港流失至其他城市? How much business will be diverted from Hong Kong to other cities after China enters the WTO?
- 我们中有多少人真正记得在引导期间需要对哪些文件进行修改? How many of us actually remember which files need to be modified during boot?
- 这个教堂又吸收了一些有相同背景的人来补充圣会。 The church members co-opted individuals from similar backgrounds to replenish the congregation.
- 我可以知道缓速等级一到等级二的作用吗?它会有多少功效? May i know the stats increase for hamstring level1 to level2 point? how much does it increase in%25?
- 有时会有人利用感情来胁迫你说是。 Sometimes people use emotional blackmail to make you say yes.
- 到目前为止,有多少人访问了你的主页? How many people have accessed your homepage by now?
- 在宴会上我们的食物不够,因为我没有料到会有这么多人来。 We ran out of food at the party because I didn't bargain for so many people turning up.
- 您计划宴会的规模有多大,准备有多少人出席呢? But what size of party are you going to order and how many people will attend the party?