- 今天轮到谁洗碗? Whose turn is it to wash up today?
- 早餐后,我和璐姐像平日一样争辩该轮到谁洗碗的事。 After breakfast, my sister Lou and I had our usual lively quarrel over whose turn it was to wash dishes.
- 大家吐一下工作的苦水,然后争论到底今天轮到谁去用微波炉热晚饭。 We'll gripe about our jobs, and then we'll argue over whose turn it is to microwave dinner.
- 早餐后,我和璐姐像平日一样争辩该轮到谁洗碗的事。 After breakfast, my sister Lou and I had our usual lively quarrel over whose turn it was to wash dishes.
- 今天轮到谁值日? Whose turn is it to be on duty today?
- 今天轮到你洗餐具了。 It's your turn to wash up today.
- 你家谁洗碗? Who does the washing up in your home?
- 今天轮到你值日吗? Is it your turn to be on duty today?
- 让我们掷钱币来决定谁洗碗。 Let's toss to see who does the washing-up.
- 今天轮到我值日。 It is my turn to be on duty today.
- 这两个小孩子过去常为该由谁洗餐具一事而争吵。 The two children used to bicker about who should do the washing-up.
- 今天轮到他值日了 It's his turn to be on duty
- 该谁洗牌了? Who is going to shuffle?
- 今天轮到你值日了。 It's your turn to be on duty, today.
- 我们一起吃饭吗?哪一顿呢?谁买食品?谁做饭?谁洗碗? Do we eat meals together? Which ones? Who is responsible for the food shopping? Who prepares the meals? Who cleans up afterward?
- 轮到我背诵了,我多么想能够一点不错地把那些规则说出来啊! It was my turn to recite. How How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake!
- 你到厨房洗碗去,报酬就算作你的饭钱。 You get into the kitchen and bust some suds to pay for your meal!
- 今天轮到你做值日了。 It is your turn to be on duty today.
- 今天晚上谁洗碗? Who's going to wash up tonight?
- 轮到他击球。 It's his turn to bat.